Trash to Treasure: Beautiful UX from Garbage

Create a work-of-art made from discarded materials such as toys, all while learning unconventional ways to approach UX problem-solving.

We have all been there. Our stakeholders asking for as many features as possible crammed into a product that we want to be proud of and without any knowledge about our users. The good news is, rational decision-making doesn’t have to be built from traditional UX research tactics. As the saying goes, play the cards you are dealt. Jess Moss, a seasoned product designer, has overcome solving complex UX problems with, and without, the aid of traditional user research tactics.


During the workshop, you will craft an assemblage made from discarded materials such as toys and home goods. You will build a solid foundation, add as many beautiful items as you can, and make it beautiful all while learning new techniques to approach UX problem-solving.

Event sponsored by AIGA


Toy Themed Workshops